(To ignite hidden talents)
The Monkey God is renowned for his intellect, fearlessness and knack for accomplishing extraordinary feats. Revered for his ingenuity and wit, he possesses an unparalleled ability to navigate challenging circumstances effortlessly. When depicted atop a Golden Dragon, the positive symbolism is multiplied, bringing excellent business and promotion luck. Display in one’s living space to ignite talent, foster creativity, and to move up the ranks of the career ladder.
In 2025, the year’s chart suggests an abundance of talent and creativity, but scarce resources. Invoking the Monkey God helps one access one’s natural talents effectively, optimizing the limited resources available, and making the best of a year with potential that may otherwise be difficult to tap.
Display in the West where the #4 Creative Star has settled, or on your work desk where you can view his image daily.
Weight: 750 grams
Height: 10.0 cm
Length: 12.3 cm
Width: 5.2 cm
Make: Metal