We have countless happy customers (in Singapore and overseas) who have benefitted from the teaching and knowledge shared by Amelia, on the appropriate way of practising Feng Shui, including the correct placement of genuine Feng Shui products in their residences and offices.
We are very delighted to share some very sincere and unpretentious personal testimonials and comments from some of our very happy and satisfied customers, who have experienced our services and products that have greatly benefited them.
Susan Tan
I love going to Retail Boutiques of WOFS Singapore. It has such a warm and vibrant feeling. It is indeed an ideal place to go should you need some good cleansing of energy. Moreover, the variety of products in the shop are truly magnificent !
Regular Retail Customer
Theresa Chee
I had personally benefited from WOFS Singapore Feng Shui Audit of my home. My health has improved so much and there is so much more peace & harmony in my family. Thank you WOFS Singapore !
Consultation Customer
Alexandra Wright
Feng Shui had always been a subject that was very skeptical & myth to me. However, after my interactions with Amelia (who is the practicing Consultant in WOFS Singapore) who has been very patient with me in explaining & educating me about the principals & correct fundamentals of Feng Shui, my perception on this subject had changed so much. I even took the courage and tried practicing it, and it truly works. As what Amelia always tell me that as long as I practice Feng Shui with good intention & good motivations, there are heaps of harvest to enjoy !
New Resident In Singapore
Michael Tay
I used to have very bad office politics and very high employees turnover in my company. When I engaged WOFS Singapore to audit my office, they gave me some solutions & recommendations. I followed closely to their advise and today I am very much a relief and happier boss, as the office politics had been minimized and I am able to keep all my good employees. In addition, my business has improved ! I am very pleased with the services of WOFS Singapore as their solutions & recommendations to overcome my problems are very practical and do not in any way interfere with the deco concept of my office. WOFS Singapore certainly has me as one of their regular customer after benefiting from their services.
Timothy Webb
Thank you WOFS Singapore. I have finally found my ideal partner and I am getting married soon!
New Bridegroom
J. S Khoo
I am finally having a baby – at last. Thank you WOFS Singapore for the Feng Shui advice, applications & prayers. It works !
J. S Khoo