Featuring The 6 Celestials
This Supremacy of Heaven Energy Wheel features special symbols with 6 auspicious celestial guardians that represent pure heaven energy, each signifying a very specific power and bringing their own unique brand of good fortune luck.
– The Windhorse vanquishes competition and brings success and victory
– The Dragon Horse attracts Ho Tu luck and defeats ignorance
– The Celestial Deer epitomizes health and happiness and protects against
– The Pi Yao brings the God of the Year onto your side
– The Dragon Tortoise provides support and sustenance
– The Heavenly Ox signifies strength, persistence and productivity
Place this very special Feng Shui activator in the centre of your home to imbue your living space with powerful celestial energy to override any harmful energies and to usher in an abundance of good fortune.
Also an excellent activator for the #6 Heaven Star, and an effective remedy to transform negative energy into extremely positive energy.